pÝ°”Q±ÀË Q±0pÚP±@pÚP±PpÚP±`pÚP±€ïöP±€pÚP±pÚP± pÚP±°pÚP±ÀpÚP±ÐpÚP±àpÚP±ðpÚP±qÚP±qÚP± qÚP±0qÚP±@qÚP±PqÚP±`qÚP±pqÚP±€qÚP±qÚP± qÚP±°qÚP±ÀqÚP±ÐqÚP±àqÚP±ðqÚP±rÚP±rÚP± rÚP±0rÚP±@rÚP±PrÚP±`rÚP±prÚP±€rÚP±rÚP± rÚP±°rÚP±ÀrÚP±ÐrÚP±àrÚP±ðrÚP±sÚP±sÚP± sÚP±0sÚP±@sÚP±PsÚP±`sÚP±psÚP±€sÚP±sÚP± sÚP±°sÚP±ÀsÚP±ÐsÚP±ÐöîP±ðsÚP±tÚP±tÚP± tÚP±0tÚP±@tÚP±PtÚP±`tÚP±ptÚP±€tÚP±tÚP± tÚP±àå Q±ÀtÚP±† Q±àtÚP±ðtÚP±uÚP±uÚP± uÚP±0uÚP±@uÚP±PuÚP±`uÚP±puÚP±ÀòÛP±ÐòÛP±ÐòÛP±àòÛP±àòÛP±ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿdn)); } // Match all variables enclosed in "{}" and iterate over them. But we only want to match the innermost variable // in case of nested "{}", e.g. {foo{bar}}. This in ensured because \w does not match "{" or "}" itself. preg_match_all('#\{(!)?(\w+)\}#', $pattern, $matches, \PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | \PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match) { $important = $match[1][1] >= 0; $varName = $match[2][0]; // get all static text preceding the current variable $precedingText = substr($pattern, $pos, $match[0][1] - $pos); $pos = $match[0][1] + \strlen($match[0][0]); if (!\strlen($precedingText)) { $precedingChar = ''; } elseif ($useUtf8) { preg_match('/.$/u', $precedingText, $precedingChar); $precedingChar = $precedingChar[0]; } else { $precedingChar = substr($precedingText, -1); } $isSeparator = '' !== $precedingChar && str_contains(static::SEPARATORS, $precedingChar); // A PCRE subpattern name must start with a non-digit. Also a PHP variable cannot start with a digit so the // variable would not be usable as a Controller action argument. if (preg_match('/^\d/', $varName)) { throw new \DomainException(sprintf('Variable name "%s" cannot start with a digit in route pattern "%s". Please use a different name.', $varName, $pattern)); } if (\in_array($varName, $variables)) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Route pattern "%s" cannot reference variable name "%s" more than once.', $pattern, $varName)); } if (\strlen($varName) > self::VARIABLE_MAXIMUM_LENGTH) { throw new \DomainException(sprintf('Variable name "%s" cannot be longer than %d characters in route pattern "%s". Please use a shorter name.', $varName, self::VARIABLE_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, $pattern)); } if ($isSeparator && $precedingText !== $precedingChar) { $tokens[] = ['text', substr($precedingText, 0, -\strlen($precedingChar))]; } elseif (!$isSeparator && '' !== $precedingText) { $tokens[] = ['text', $precedingText]; } $regexp = $route->getRequirement($varName); if (null === $regexp) { $followingPattern = (string) substr($pattern, $pos); // Find the next static character after the variable that functions as a separator. By default, this separator and '/' // are disallowed for the variable. This default requirement makes sure that optional variables can be matched at all // and that the generating-matching-combination of URLs unambiguous, i.e. the params used for generating the URL are // the same that will be matched. Example: new Route('/{page}.{_format}', ['_format' => 'html']) // If {page} would also match the separating dot, {_format} would never match as {page} will eagerly consume everything. // Also even if {_format} was not optional the requirement prevents that {page} matches something that was originally // part of {_format} when generating the URL, e.g. _format = 'mobile.html'. $nextSeparator = self::findNextSeparator($followingPattern, $useUtf8); $regexp = sprintf( '[^%s%s]+', preg_quote($defaultSeparator), $defaultSeparator !== $nextSeparator && '' !== $nextSeparator ? preg_quote($nextSeparator) : '' ); if (('' !== $nextSeparator && !preg_match('#^\{\w+\}#', $followingPattern)) || '' === $followingPattern) { // When we have a separator, which is disallowed for the variable, we can optimize the regex with a possessive // quantifier. This prevents useless backtracking of PCRE and improves performance by 20% for matching those patterns. // Given the above example, there is no point in backtracking into {page} (that forbids the dot) when a dot must follow // after it. This optimization cannot be applied when the next char is no real separator or when the next variable is // directly adjacent, e.g. '/{x}{y}'. $regexp .= '+'; } } else { if (!preg_match('//u', $regexp)) { $useUtf8 = false; } elseif (!$needsUtf8 && preg_match('/[\x80-\xFF]|(?= 0; --$i) { $token = $tokens[$i]; // variable is optional when it is not important and has a default value if ('variable' === $token[0] && !($token[5] ?? false) && $route->hasDefault($token[3])) { $firstOptional = $i; } else { break; } } } // compute the matching regexp $regexp = ''; for ($i = 0, $nbToken = \count($tokens); $i < $nbToken; ++$i) { $regexp .= self::computeRegexp($tokens, $i, $firstOptional); } $regexp = '{^'.$regexp.'$}sD'.($isHost ? 'i' : ''); // enable Utf8 matching if really required if ($needsUtf8) { $regexp .= 'u'; for ($i = 0, $nbToken = \count($tokens); $i < $nbToken; ++$i) { if ('variable' === $tokens[$i][0]) { $tokens[$i][4] = true; } } } return [ 'staticPrefix' => self::determineStaticPrefix($route, $tokens), 'regex' => $regexp, 'tokens' => array_reverse($tokens), 'variables' => $variables, ]; } /** * Determines the longest static prefix possible for a route. */ private static function determineStaticPrefix(Route $route, array $tokens): string { if ('text' !== $tokens[0][0]) { return ($route->hasDefault($tokens[0][3]) || '/' === $tokens[0][1]) ? '' : $tokens[0][1]; } $prefix = $tokens[0][1]; if (isset($tokens[1][1]) && '/' !== $tokens[1][1] && false === $route->hasDefault($tokens[1][3])) { $prefix .= $tokens[1][1]; } return $prefix; } /** * Returns the next static character in the Route pattern that will serve as a separator (or the empty string when none available). */ private static function findNextSeparator(string $pattern, bool $useUtf8): string { if ('' == $pattern) { // return empty string if pattern is empty or false (false which can be returned by substr) return ''; } // first remove all placeholders from the pattern so we can find the next real static character if ('' === $pattern = preg_replace('#\{\w+\}#', '', $pattern)) { return ''; } if ($useUtf8) { preg_match('/^./u', $pattern, $pattern); } return str_contains(static::SEPARATORS, $pattern[0]) ? $pattern[0] : ''; } /** * Computes the regexp used to match a specific token. It can be static text or a subpattern. * * @param array $tokens The route tokens * @param int $index The index of the current token * @param int $firstOptional The index of the first optional token */ private static function computeRegexp(array $tokens, int $index, int $firstOptional): string { $token = $tokens[$index]; if ('text' === $token[0]) { // Text tokens return preg_quote($token[1]); } else { // Variable tokens if (0 === $index && 0 === $firstOptional) { // When the only token is an optional variable token, the separator is required return sprintf('%s(?P<%s>%s)?', preg_quote($token[1]), $token[3], $token[2]); } else { $regexp = sprintf('%s(?P<%s>%s)', preg_quote($token[1]), $token[3], $token[2]); if ($index >= $firstOptional) { // Enclose each optional token in a subpattern to make it optional. // "?:" means it is non-capturing, i.e. the portion of the subject string that // matched the optional subpattern is not passed back. $regexp = "(?:$regexp"; $nbTokens = \count($tokens); if ($nbTokens - 1 == $index) { // Close the optional subpatterns $regexp .= str_repeat(')?', $nbTokens - $firstOptional - (0 === $firstOptional ? 1 : 0)); } } return $regexp; } } } private static function transformCapturingGroupsToNonCapturings(string $regexp): string { for ($i = 0; $i < \strlen($regexp); ++$i) { if ('\\' === $regexp[$i]) { ++$i; continue; } if ('(' !== $regexp[$i] || !isset($regexp[$i + 2])) { continue; } if ('*' === $regexp[++$i] || '?' === $regexp[$i]) { ++$i; continue; } $regexp = substr_replace($regexp, '?:', $i, 0); ++$i; } return $regexp; } } An Error Occurred: Internal Server Error

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